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Join to stay in touch

A lot of us have experienced in the past that groups or individuals can get censored, deleted or banned from some social platforms for simply speaking the truth or voicing an opinion. In rare cases they might even take down a website. As a precaution for something like this to happen to our group we have started a member register that will allow us to get in touch with members should our group get taken down. You can also register here if you don’t want to use social media. As we grow our local groups, members will eventually start meeting in person.

To keep the data as safe as we can from getting compromised, we will regularly download the submitted data to a secure offline location and then delete the data from our online database. If you are comfortable with this & would like to keep in touch even if we should get taken down, please consider filing in below form.

If you don’t know what Project B or C are, please have a quick read here for Project B or here for Project C in case you want to be involved.