Growing the Guardians of Freedom Community
The key is with all of us – SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!
Any member can copy the text examples, memes or video links to share our group. For the purpose of keeping our group & members safe & secure, please only post to people or groups that are at least somewhat aware of what is really going on right now. Feel free to mix and match the messages as long as it makes sense to where you’re posting it.
Video links to our short feature videos on Bitchute. Just copy the link to post and share.
For those wanting to do something about what is going on, but don’t know where to start…IT’S TIME TO GET ORGANISED AND TAKE REAL EFFECTIVE ACTION. This is bigger than State or Federal Government. It’s a Global Takeover and different strategies must be employed to deal with this. Come join our Action Plan.
Are you wondering what you can do to protect yourself from the upcoming Mandatory Vaccinations?? Want to do something about the loss in Freedom and Democracy that we are seeing? Time to get together with other brave and serious people:
Is Chivalry Dead!?!? Time to prove it’s not! Come stand for your freedom and democracy.
In case you want to be part of the last resort or for those that have realised where this was always going to go, come join team of Lions who are ready and waiting for the right time.
IT IS TIME TO GET INTO SOME REAL ACTION TO STOP THE MADNESS. Calling on all Brave Australians. The time has come to unite and be ready to get things done. Strategically, coordinated and smart. Many are wanting to do something but don’t know what to do exactly. We have an effective Action Plan, that is lawful but hands on and challenging. WE CANNOT WAIT FOR OTHERS TO SAVE US! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! This is bigger than State or Federal Government. It’s a Global Takeover and different strategies must be employed to deal with this. The Government is set to deploy ADF fully operational domestically. Time is of the essence. LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT WILL BE GONE, ALONG WITH FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. Join us taking back our freedom.
JOIN US IN OUR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. Will legal action work? Not likely. It’s been rigged. They have set laws in place in preparation for now and are changing laws quietly every day. However, our group fully support this so as to build evidence and ensure the right procedures have been attempted. Will protesting work? Not likely, they are expecting this. Why do you think the military have been on standby? The PM stated quite clearly that he is expecting a backlash to the Vaccine and is ready for it. Protesting will only trigger a full arming of the police and military causing far more problems. We will see more road blocks. It will cause more lockdowns and make it difficult for us to do anything later, possibly destroying all chances. Times are no longer normal. Make no mistake about this. We are already in a Gestapo State. Have you thought about what the police/military response will be? Have you thought about how to keep the country running? Energy, business, food, water, political system? Do not be rash and silly. We have considered every detail. The time has come to take back our Freedom, Democracy, Country and have the questions answered that we need answered. But it must be done right. There is likely only one shot here. We must not be haphazard and rash. We must not be reactionary. We must be proactive and highly strategic. A lion does not tell its prey what it is about to do. Come join the largest team of Lions who are ready and waiting for the right time to execute the Action Plan.
TIME TO WAKE UP … I’m talking to those who think they are already awake about Covid-19. Legal action will not work. Political action will not work. Protesting will not work. It is time to REALLY WAKE UP. Time to get REAL, SMART, ORGANISED AND STRATEGIC! Our Action Plan is Lawful, but is drastic and hands on. The powers that be will simply ignore all of these types of actions. If anything, these actions will be counterproductive, allowing the powers that be to use them as “reasons” to create further measures to stop us. Our group has predicted this since March and have been building an action plan around understanding this. Others are starting to realise this as they see what is happening with Protests, Legal Actions etc. Come join us where we have a real Action Plan to deal with the Covid-19 problem in a realistic context of what the situation really is:
IT IS TIME TO GET INTO SOME REAL ACTION TO STOP THE MADNESS. The situation is not like anything we have seen before. It is bigger than Premiers, Prime Ministers or Courts. We have a strategic. Realistic action plan to deal with it. But we need YOU. We need as many brave Australians to stand with us, united and ready to successfully carry out this Action Plan. Why us? We have seen the reality of this situation from day 1 and we have leadership with the right vision to handle the problem and into the future. Come join us!
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