People’s Vote Of No Confidence Project A
This project will identify the will of the nation’s people, remove any corruption and implement a true democracy in which government provides regular consultation with its people on key issues.
This is a huge pioneering project that has never been done before. There is currently no legal or political framework or mechanism for it. In a true democracy there certainly should be a mechanism for such a process to capture the true will of a nation’s people.
This is the way to achieve the result we all want, via lawful and peaceful means. The result we all want lies in the below definition of “Democracy”. A change to a government that many feel does not act in the best interests of its nation or people. A stop to the irreversible damage being caused to our people and nation. This is for all People, as we will be covering a huge array of topics that just about anyone can relate too.

Please know that we will need lots of volunteers to pull this off.
We now have a volunteer register up, just click on the red button to go to the sign up form.
If we cannot get enough volunteers for this project within 4-6 weeks from the time we are promoting this, we won’t be able to pull this off and we will have to scrap it & focus on project B & C instead.
It’s up to you awake people now if you can actually help make this happen by contributing your skills, time & effort going forward!

The Opportunity:
- To stop the madness, devastation, misery & destruction that is happening and the tyranny that will be solidified at the end.
- To create a world for all people to thrive in, where there is no more unnecessary suffering, injustice, corruption, environmental degradation, unnecessary wars and greed that surpasses morals.
- To create a world in which a truly democratic government works for its people and by the people.
- To create a world in which all people are truly as free, healthy, prosperous and happy as possible.
The project will feature:
- An Information/Marketing campaign, covering topics for the average person, to every household in the country.
- A poll using Blockchain Technology on the People’s Confidence in the current government and our current government system.
- No more Bi-Party system! A proposal for a new electoral and government system that will ensure a truly democratic electoral system, remove of the potential for conflicts of interest, corruption and government actions not inline with the will and best interests of it’s People.
- A call to the government to support the result of this poll and for the government to respect and adhere to the will of the people that they work for.

- One of the key reasons provided by our Government as to why they are not listening to protests is that the protests do not represent a democratic voice and do not represent the majority. This campaign will change that and remove that excuse by encompassing the core principles of Democracy, through a type of referendum/vote.
- Unlike random posts here and there, the collation of evidence altogether in one place will be so irrefutable, that almost no one will be able to deny it.
- The marketing campaign will not focus solely on Covid or the vaccine. It will also focus on other topics that the general public will be able to relate to, such as; the removal of meat, the removal of cash, the increasingly clear marxist/socialist principles being implemented, the creation of new farming licences, the war in Ukraine, the Great Reset Agenda and many more.
- It is also imperative that an alternative is provided to both the public and the military and police. It is no use screaming and shouting, when they are trapped without an alternative. Many of them know something is not right, but have no alternative presented. The new electoral and government system will provide that alternative, together with evidence of a democratic call.
- The current electoral system is unreliable. The Bi Party system provides a false sense of democracy and choice. Preference votes can be given away to any party. Political donations creates the opportunity for corruption and an unequal platform.
The New Electoral System – The People’s Council
Please note that this is a simplified overview and there are many more details which cannot be included here due to space.

- The truest form of democracy that can exist.
- Blockchain technology cannot be frauded.
- Blockchain technology allows people to be accurately identified, yet their voting decision cannot be linked to them personally and therefore people can feel safe in putting their true opinions forward.
- No more Parties! Parties create political donations, which creates room for corruption and uneven political campaigning. Political campaigning should be based on merit and not how much a party is bank rolled.
- No more Parties! The idea of parties creates division amongst the people. You have to choose, whether you are left wing or right wing. In Australia, you’re either Liberal or Labour. In the US you are either a democrat or a Republican. Left versus Right. The truth is that human beings are neither left or right. Human beings are a bit of both. This has been created to be used to wedge people apart into different camps.
What we envision:
- Using the Blockchain Technology Voting System, nominees for Leadership will be taken. This can be anyone in the entire country.
- The top 40 nominees become our candidates.
- Equal Tax Payer funding is provided to each candidate to carry out their Election Campaign, in which they can showcase their vision, policies, values and plans. This equalises each nominee down to their merit and not based on their funding capacity.
- Once the campaigns close, the Election is held.
- The candidate with the highest votes becomes the Leader of the People’s Council.
- The Leader of the People’s Council forms it’s Council or what we currently know as a Cabinet. Members of the Council will be experts to look after various Departments, such as Environment, Energy, Foreign Relations, Transport, Trade etc.
- A call back function will be built into the Blockchain Voting System, meaning that if a Leader or Council member is deemed to be no longer representing the best interests of the people, they can be held to account and a new election held if enough votes are passed calling for a “Callback”.
- Key issues that hold a major impact on the people will be put to referendum.
- A key Department will be Formed known as the Peoples Guardianship. The role will be to consistently monitor the actions of the People’s Council.
- A New Constitution must be drawn up together with a Bill of Rights.
- The new Constitution must ensure that the allegiance and control of the Nation’s Military and Police is not vested solely in the People’s Council, but must lie ultimately with the People of the Nation, carried out through Blockchain Voting System.